Source code for PrintTags.print_tags

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from datetime import datetime

from .colors import Colors

from typing import List, Tuple, TextIO, Optional, Callable, Any

def _get_datetime() -> str:
    return'%d-%b-%Y %I:%M:%S%p')

def _print_with_color(args: Tuple[Any, ...], color_fn: Callable[[str], str],
                      add_datetime: bool, prefixes: Tuple[Optional[str], ...],
                      sep: str, end: str, closed_ok: bool, file: Optional[TextIO],
                      flush: bool) -> None:
    _args: List[str] = [str(arg) for arg in args]
    for prefix in reversed(prefixes):
        if prefix is None:
        # Add a space to the end of the prefix if is doesn't already have one
        _args[0] = f'{prefix}{_args[0]}' if prefix.endswith(' ') else f'{prefix} {_args[0]}'
    if add_datetime:
        _args[0] = f'{_get_datetime()} {_args[0]}'
    _args = [color_fn(arg) for arg in _args]
        print(*_args, sep=color_fn(sep), end=color_fn(end), file=file, flush=flush)
    except ValueError:
        if closed_ok:

[docs]def black(*args: Any, add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Prints values in black. Args: add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (any, optional): A string interpolatable value that should be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): String inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): String appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `\n`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file: A file-like object (stream, optional): Defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ _print_with_color(args,, add_datetime, (prefix,), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def red(*args: Any, add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Prints values in red. Args: add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (any, optional): A string interpolatable value that should be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): String inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): String appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `\n`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file: A file-like object (stream, optional): Defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ _print_with_color(args,, add_datetime, (prefix,), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def green(*args: Any, add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Prints values in green. Args: add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (any, optional): A string interpolatable value that should be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): String inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): String appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `\n`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file: A file-like object (stream, optional): Defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ _print_with_color(args,, add_datetime, (prefix,), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def yellow(*args: Any, add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Prints values in yellow. Args: add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (any, optional): A string interpolatable value that should be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): String inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): String appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `\n`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file: A file-like object (stream, optional): Defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ _print_with_color(args, Colors.yellow, add_datetime, (prefix,), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def blue(*args: Any, add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Prints values in blue. Args: add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (any, optional): A string interpolatable value that should be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): String inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): String appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `\n`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file: A file-like object (stream, optional): Defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ _print_with_color(args,, add_datetime, (prefix,), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def magenta(*args: Any, add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Prints values in magenta. Args: add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (any, optional): A string interpolatable value that should be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): String inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): String appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `\n`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file: A file-like object (stream, optional): Defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ _print_with_color(args, Colors.magenta, add_datetime, (prefix,), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def cyan(*args: Any, add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Prints values in cyan. Args: add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (any, optional): A string interpolatable value that should be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): String inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): String appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `\n`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file: A file-like object (stream, optional): Defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ _print_with_color(args, Colors.cyan, add_datetime, (prefix,), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def white(*args: Any, add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Prints values in white. Args: add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (any, optional): A string interpolatable value that should be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): String inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): String appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `\n`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file: A file-like object (stream, optional): Defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ _print_with_color(args, Colors.white, add_datetime, (prefix,), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
# MARK: Tagged color printouts
[docs]def info(*args: Any, tag_text: Optional[str] = 'info', add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Used for printing basic information. Args: tag_text (str, optional): The text content of the tag that will be prepended to the print. `None` for no tag. Default `'info'`. add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (str, optional): A string interpolatable value that will be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): string inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): string appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `'\n'`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file (TextIO, optional): defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ tag: Optional[str] = tag_text if tag_text is None else f'[{tag_text}]' _print_with_color(args, Colors.cyan, add_datetime, (prefix, tag), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def success(*args: Any, tag_text: Optional[str] = 'success', add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Used to indicate successful execution. Args: tag_text (str, optional): The text content of the tag that will be prepended to the print. `None` for no tag. Default `'success'`. add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (str, optional): A string interpolatable value that will be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): string inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): string appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `'\n'`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file (TextIO, optional): defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ tag: Optional[str] = tag_text if tag_text is None else f'[{tag_text}]' _print_with_color(args,, add_datetime, (prefix, tag), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def notice(*args: Any, tag_text: Optional[str] = 'notice', add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Used to print important information. Args: tag_text (str, optional): The text content of the tag that will be prepended to the print. `None` for no tag. Default `'notice'`. add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (str, optional): A string interpolatable value that will be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): string inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): string appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `'\n'`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file (TextIO, optional): defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ tag: Optional[str] = tag_text if tag_text is None else f'[{tag_text}]' _print_with_color(args,, add_datetime, (prefix, tag), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def timeout(*args: Any, tag_text: Optional[str] = 'timeout', add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Used to indicate a timeout. Args: tag_text (str, optional): The text content of the tag that will be prepended to the print. `None` for no tag. Default `'timeout'`. add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (str, optional): A string interpolatable value that will be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): string inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): string appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `'\n'`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file (TextIO, optional): defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ tag: Optional[str] = tag_text if tag_text is None else f'[{tag_text}]' _print_with_color(args, Colors.yellow, add_datetime, (prefix, tag), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def warn(*args: Any, tag_text: Optional[str] = 'warn', add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Used to highlight that there may be an issue, or that code has improperly executed. Args: tag_text (str, optional): The text content of the tag that will be prepended to the print. `None` for no tag. Default `'warn'`. add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (str, optional): A string interpolatable value that will be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): string inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): string appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `'\n'`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file (TextIO, optional): defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ tag: Optional[str] = tag_text if tag_text is None else f'[{tag_text}]' _print_with_color(args, Colors.magenta, add_datetime, (prefix, tag), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
[docs]def error(*args: Any, tag_text: Optional[str] = 'error', add_datetime: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', closed_ok: bool = False, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Can be used to print the description or message associated with an exception. Args: tag_text (str, optional): The text content of the tag that will be prepended to the print. `None` for no tag. Default `'error'`. add_datetime (bool, optional): Whether or not a datetime timestamp should be printed. Default `False`. prefix (str, optional): A string interpolatable value that will be prepended to the print. Default `None`. sep (str, optional): string inserted between values, default is a space. Default `' '`. end (str, optional): string appended after the last value, default is a newline. Default `'\n'`. closed_ok (bool, optional): Whether or not the ValueError raised by a closed stdout should be suppressed. Default `False`. file (TextIO, optional): defaults to the current sys.stdout. Default `None`. flush (bool, optional): whether to forcibly flush the stream. Default `False`. """ tag: Optional[str] = tag_text if tag_text is None else f'[{tag_text}]' _print_with_color(args,, add_datetime, (prefix, tag), sep, end, closed_ok, file, flush)
if __name__ == "__main__": pass